  1. 4. maximum number of oxygen molecules that
  2. 5. throat
  3. 6. movement of air into and out of lungs
  4. 8. carbon dioxide bound to hemoglobin
  5. 10. the heart
  6. 13. in cells
  7. 14. in the body; ion
  8. 15. takes place at the respiratory membrane
  9. 16. where diffusion of gases occurs
  10. 18. be bound by one hemoglobin molecule
  11. 20. protein molecule in blood that binds
  12. 22. hemoglobin
  13. 23. number of iron ions in hemoglobin
  1. 1. respiration that involves exchange of
  2. 2. notch, indentation on the left lung that
  3. 3. product form with oxygen combines with Fe
  4. 7. airway; windpipe
  5. 9. cells which produce surfactant
  6. 11. respiration that involves oxygen
  7. 12. form in which most carbon dioxide is
  8. 17. between lungs and blood
  9. 19. inflammation of the pleural membranes
  10. 21. respiration that involve exchange of gases between blood and body cells