The Respiratory System

  1. 5. Site of gaseous exchange
  2. 7. respiration without oxygen
  3. 10. Process of taking air into lungs
  4. 11. prevents food from entering the windpipe
  5. 13. process by which gaseous exchange occurs
  6. 14. fungus used to make dough rise
  1. 1. poisonous gas which binds with haemoglobin irriversible
  2. 2. respiratory condition where alveoli burst
  3. 3. product of anaerobic respiration in humans
  4. 4. site of aerobic respiration in the cells
  5. 6. muscle separating thoracic and abdominal cavity
  6. 8. produced during alchol fermentation in plant/fungal cells
  7. 9. Cancer causing chemical
  8. 12. Taken into the lungs