The Respiratory system

  1. 3. destruction of lung parenchyma with suppurative exudate in the lung
  2. 4. honey-combed appearance of the lung in the lower lobe
  3. 5. necrotising bronchiolitis, reactive hyperplasia of alveolar epithelial cells,nuclear inclusions
  4. 11. grey-white fleshy tumour in the bronchus at its bifurcation and occluding the lumen partly
  5. 13. tumour grow into the bronchial wall and produce collar-button like lesion,yellow-tan in colour
  6. 14. the most common malignancy in asbestos workers
  7. 15. surface is grey-red or dirty brown and frothy,yellow, creamy fluid
  8. 16. there is thickening of the alveolar walls by oedema and exudate, chiefly of eosinophils, and some lymphocytes and plasma cells
  9. 17. diamond-shaped crystals derived from eosinophils called
  10. 18. congestion of septal walls while the air spaces contain pale oedema fluid and few red cells
  11. 19. showing involvement of entire lobules and whole of acinus
  12. 20. lung parenchyma shows small, black focal lesions,little destruction of alveolar walls
  1. 1. alveolar walls are lined by cuboidal to tall columnar and mucin-secreting
  2. 2. lungs have rounded, firm nodules with central necrosis, cavitation
  3. 6. lung is studded with well-circumscribed, hard, fibrotic nodules
  4. 7. red-pinky liver like consistency
  5. 8. respiratory epithelium forming twisted strips called as
  6. 9. cellular exudate of neutrophils is reduced and grey liver like
  7. 10. smoke has inhibitory influence on α-1-antitrypsin in
  8. 12. the bronchial wall is thickened, hyperaemic and oedematous