- 3. Epithelium covering alveoli
- 5. Organ of the lower respiratory system
- 8. Type of muscle found in the trachea
- 9. Respiratory group used in forceful breathing
- 10. Membrane lining the nose
- 11. The volume of one breath
- 13. Occurs when alveolar pressure > air pressure
- 14. Exchange of O2 & CO2 between blood & alveoli
- 16. Secondary bronchi
- 18. Organ of the upper respiratory system
- 19. Participate in immunological responses
- 21. One of three anatomical regions of pharynx
- 24. Openings of the nose to the exterior
- 27. Cardiac notch of left lung
- 28. Medical term for voice box
- 31. Smaller compartments in lobes of lungs
- 33. Pleura lining the thoracic cavity
- 34. Collection of neurons in pons
- 1. Separate lobes in right lung
- 2. Type of ventilation used in breathing
- 4. Divides nasal cavity into left and right
- 6. Type of respiration involving tissues
- 7. Respiratory group controls normal breathing
- 12. Occurs when alveolar pressure < air pressure
- 15. Mixture of phospholipids and lipoproteins
- 17. Type of respiration involving lungs
- 20. Pleura covering each lung
- 22. Tertiary bronchi
- 23. Cavity between visceral and parietal pleura
- 25. Surgery to repair/alter shape of nose
- 26. Protein found in Hemoglobin
- 29. Medical term for windpipe
- 30. Pigment found in hemoglobin
- 32. Inflammation of the larynx