The Respiratory System

  1. 3. what is the name of the law that states that as the volume of a container increases, the air pressure within the container will decrease?
  2. 4. what is the name of the tube that is posterior and adjacent to the trachea?
  3. 7. how many sections is the vertebral column divided into?
  4. 8. this muscle covers the upper back and neck
  5. 11. the sternum contains the corpus, the xiphoid process, and what else?
  6. 12. what provides skeletal support for lower extremities?
  7. 14. the upper respiratory contains the pharynx, larynx, and what else?
  8. 16. how many cervical vertebrae are there in the spinal column?
  9. 17. the right lung contains how many lobes?
  10. 18. the region located deep within the thorax
  11. 19. which ribs include ribs 8-10?
  12. 20. where are the lungs housed?
  1. 1. what is at the end of each bronchiole?
  2. 2. what kind of membranes are within the trachea?
  3. 5. this muscle descends from behind the ear at the mastoid process, and divides and inserts into the clavicle and sternum?
  4. 6. what kind of cartilage is the main stem bronchi comprised of?
  5. 9. what is superior to the larynx?
  6. 10. how many ribs do humans have on each side of their body?
  7. 13. what is known as the primary muscle of inspiration?
  8. 15. the uppermost cervical vertebrae