The Respiratory System

  1. 1. surround the alveoli
  2. 2. exhalation is a ____ process
  3. 4. prevents food entering the trachea
  4. 6. located in the throat
  5. 8. involuntary muscle at base of thorax
  6. 9. inhalation is a ___ process
  7. 10. breathing in
  8. 13. helps to give tubes strength
  9. 14. function is gas exchange
  1. 1. particles move from an area of high ___ to low ___
  2. 3. type of muscle that forms the walls of the thorax along with the ribs
  3. 5. located in the voice box
  4. 7. the process by which gas exchange takes place
  5. 9. breathing disorder
  6. 11. first tube air travels through
  7. 12. contains hairs and mucus to filter air
  8. 13. tiny hairs that defend lungs from infection