The respiratory system

  1. 1. rings of cartilage
  2. 3. volume of air forced out of lungs after maximal inspiration
  3. 6. voice box, rigid walls of muscle
  4. 7. filters out dust, warms and moistens
  5. 8. flap restricting things going in wrong direction
  6. 11. volume of air taken in in addition to normal tidal volume
  7. 15. amount of additional air breathed out after normal expiration.
  8. 16. volume of air per breath
  9. 17. volume of air left in lungs after maximal expiration
  1. 2. volume of air you breathe in 1 min
  2. 4. breathing
  3. 5. where gaseous exchange takes place
  4. 9. throat,funnel shaped
  5. 10. lung capacity after you have inhaled as deeply as you can
  6. 12. extend bronchi to alveoli
  7. 13. muscles draw ribs up and out
  8. 14. dome shaped muscle