The respiratory system

  1. 2. a tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi, providing a pathway for air to enter and exit the lungs.
  2. 4. two main branches of the trachea that enter the lungs, dividing further into smaller tubes.
  3. 5. smaller tubes that branch from the bronchi and bring air to the alveoli.
  4. 8. an organ between the pharynx and trachea that contains the vocal cords.
  5. 9. cavity- an area that warms, humidifies, and filters air that is taken into the body.
  1. 1. tiny air sacs at the end of bronchioles that are responsible for gas exchange.
  2. 3. Dioxide- gas that is a waste product of respiration.
  3. 6. taken into the body for respiration.
  4. 7. a short tube extending from the mouth and nasal cavities to the trachea.