The Respiratory System

  1. 3. The throat, which air moves into
  2. 6. A flap of tissue located above the larynx
  3. 9. The trachea branches out into two of these, the main airways that reach into each lung
  4. 10. An inflammation of the bronchi caused by infection or exposure to irritants
  5. 11. When you take a deep breath, your lungs do this action as they fill with air
  6. 12. The base of the chest cavity
  7. 14. An inflammatory condition in which the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles become narrowed
  8. 15. Air moves into the lungs through this; also called the windpipe
  1. 1. An inflammation of the lungs commonly caused by a bacterial or viral infection
  2. 2. System that provides oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the body
  3. 4. A contagious bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs
  4. 5. In a common type of pneumonia, these swell and become clogged with mucus
  5. 7. The voice box, which contains the vocal cords
  6. 8. An inflammation of the tissues that line the sinuses
  7. 11. A disease that progressively destroys the walls of the alveoli
  8. 13. The single most important decision you can make for your respiratory health is not to _____