The Respiratory System

  1. 4. carbon dioxide is transported by __________
  2. 6. chemical used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide in exhaled air
  3. 7. transports oxygen
  4. 10. known as the windpipe, strengthened with rings of cartilage
  5. 11. removing air from the lungs
  6. 12. taking in oxygen and letting out carbon dioxide
  7. 14. gas we exhale
  8. 16. gas we inhale
  9. 17. trachea splits into 2 tubes called _______
  1. 1. large sheet of muscle below the lungs
  2. 2. flap of skin which prevents food from going down the windpipe
  3. 3. place of gas exchange
  4. 5. person suffers from this when their bronchioles are restricted
  5. 8. release of energy from food in the cell of an organism
  6. 9. taking air into the lungs
  7. 12. very small tubes which carry air to alveoli
  8. 13. has tiny hairs which help filter air
  9. 15. movement of a substance from where it is in high concentration to where it is in lower concentration