The respiratory system

  1. 3. Gaseous exchange occurs here
  2. 6. The type of air carbon dioxide is present in.
  3. 7. The average number of breaths an adult takes per minute
  4. 12. A gas that moves from the capillaries into the alveoli
  5. 13. The release of energy from food in a cell
  6. 14. Takes air down to the lungs
  7. 15. Bones that protect the lungs
  8. 16. A tube that carries air into the lung
  9. 17. A membrane that helps the lungs to move easily.
  10. 18. Tiny air sacs for gaseous exchange
  1. 1. A gas that moves from the alveoli to the capillaries
  2. 2. Taking in oxygen for respiration and letting out carbon dioxide and water vapour from respiration.
  3. 4. This organ takes in air and filters it with tiny hairs.
  4. 5. The movement of a substance from where it is in high concentration to where it is in low concentration
  5. 8. A flap of skin that stops food going into the trachea.
  6. 9. Narrow tubes that carry air to the alveoli.
  7. 10. Controls the volume of the chest
  8. 11. An organ that moves the chest during breathing