The Respiratory System

  1. 1. Carry air to the left and right lungs
  2. 3. Includes the nose,mouth,pharynx, trachea, and bronchi.
  3. 6. Your rib muscles ______ to push air out of the lungs when you exhale
  4. 7. The trachea is made of this in order to keep the airway open
  5. 8. The system that transfers oxygen throughout your entire body
  6. 11. It protects your lungs
  7. 13. to breathe out
  1. 2. The system that sends neurons through your body to help you breath
  2. 4. Tiny air sacs in the lungs
  3. 5. Located at the top of the throat
  4. 9. to breathe in
  5. 10. Spongy organs of connective tissue with many airway passages
  6. 12. The lungs ______ and fill with air when you inhale
  7. 13. A flap that directs air down the trachea