The Respiratory System

  1. 2. Responsible for the removal of particles, such as dust or microorganisms​
  2. 3. Airways are inflame and produce extra mucus & makes it harder to breathe​
  3. 4. Protects the lower respiratory tract from aspirating food into the trachea while breathing.
  4. 6. This reduces surface tension at the air-water interface in the alveoli​
  5. 7. Propel inhaled particles out of the airways​
  6. 9. Synthesis and secretion of surfactant​ and transepithelial movement of water​
  7. 11. Protein in red blood cells that is responsible for delivering oxygen to tissues.​
  8. 14. A passageway of inspired and expired air into and out of the lungs.
  9. 15. Infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs that can fill with fluid​
  10. 16. Humidifies warms & filters and acts as a channel for inspired air also protects the respiratory tract.​
  11. 17. Warms and humidifies air before it reaches the larynx​
  1. 1. Lines the respiratory tract from trachea to bronchi into bronchioles and alveolar sacs.
  2. 5. Brings oxygen into our bodies and sends carbon dioxide out along with other unwanted gases.​
  3. 8. Provides dynamic stability to the architecture and mechanical function of the lungs​
  4. 10. Routes air that is coming in from the nose and mouth down to the larynx.
  5. 12. Thin layer of fluid covering the luminal surface of the airway.​
  6. 13. Carries air to and from either the left or right lung.