The Respiratory System WTI

  1. 2. Suffix meaning breathing
  2. 3. coughing up blood
  3. 6. absence of spontaneous respiration
  4. 8. difficult or labored breathing
  5. 9. inflammation of the pharynx
  6. 12. A collection of pus in a body cavity
  7. 13. Abnormally rapid respiratory rate
  8. 14. Surgical removal of all or part of a lung
  9. 19. An inflammation of the pleura which produces sharp chest pain
  10. 21. an accumulation of air in the pleural space causing the lung to either not expand fully or collapse
  11. 23. an abnormally slow rate of respiration
  12. 24. puncture of the chest wall with a needle to obtain fluid from the pleural cavity
  1. 1. also known as whooping cough
  2. 2. measures the physiological activity during sleep
  3. 4. a nose bleed
  4. 5. medication that expands the opening of the passages into the lungs
  5. 7. sudden spasmodic closure of the larynx
  6. 10. a collection of blood in the pleural cavity
  7. 11. inflammation of the larynx
  8. 15. childhood respiratory disease characterized by a barking cough
  9. 16. A collapse of all or part of the lung
  10. 17. An abnormal build up of carbon dioxide
  11. 18. shallow or slow respiration
  12. 20. inflammation of the sinuses
  13. 22. having below normal oxygen level in the blood