The Respiratory System

  1. 1. The trachea splits into two…
  2. 4. the apex of this holds back the soft palate during inspiration
  3. 5. This happens when air passes over the vocal cords
  4. 6. Membranes these cover the outside of the lungs
  5. 8. the transport of air out of the lungs
  6. 9. the muscles between the ribs that aid respiration
  7. 10. Bronchi split into…
  8. 12. The scientific term for the windpipe
  1. 2. this type of epithelial cell traps dust
  2. 3. the transport of air into the lungs
  3. 7. This forms the entrance to the trachea
  4. 11. the trachea is held open by rings of this
  5. 13. The scientific term for air sacs