The Respiratory System

  1. 3. The exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood, which occurs in the lungs
  2. 8. The bronchi branch into smaller passageways called_______________.
  3. 10. Air enters through your mouth or ________.
  4. 11. The trachea branches into two long tubes called the ___________.
  5. 12. This muscle helps in inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation it contracts to allow air movement into the lungs, and during exhalation it relaxes and returns to its normal resting position.
  1. 1. The exchange of gases between the blood and the body's cells
  2. 2. Hair-like structures that line the nasal passages
  3. 4. Largest organs in the respiratory system, where gas exchange takes place.
  4. 5. Allows air to pass from the larynx to the trachea
  5. 6. Long tube, also called the windpipe
  6. 7. The respiratory system functions to exchange ______________ and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the blood and between the blood and the body's cells.
  7. 8. The mechanical movement of air into and out of your lungs
  8. 9. Each alveolus is surrounded by very thin _________________.
  9. 13. The bronchioles branch into even smaller passageways, each of which ends in an individual air sac called_________________.