The Respiratory System

  1. 2. Total amount of air that can be inhaled and then exhaled with maximum effort
  2. 3. Substance secreted by great alveolar cells that prevents alveoli from collapsing during exhalation
  3. 5. Respiratory group that sets the respiratory rhythm at 12 breaths per minute
  4. 6. Barrier between the alveolar air and blood
  5. 7. Air remaining in lungs after maximum expiration
  6. 9. Increase in the diameter of a bronchus or bronchiole caused by the release of epinenphrine
  7. 11. A deficiency of oxygen in a tissue or the inability to use oxygen
  8. 12. Portion of the pharynx that only passes air
  9. 14. Disorders that interfere with airflow by narrowing or blocking the airway
  10. 17. The process of carrying gases from the alveoli to the systemic tissues and vice versa
  11. 19. Muscle that is the prime mover of respiration
  12. 21. The ease with which the lungs can expand
  13. 26. Flap of tissue that guards the superior opening of the larynx
  14. 29. Type of epithelium in nasal cavity that detects odors
  15. 30. Collapse of all or part of a lung
  16. 31. Type of sensory receptor that responds to smoke, dust, pollen, and cold air
  17. 32. Type of breathing that is relaxed, unconscious, and automatic
  18. 33. Pressure that exists within the lungs
  1. 1. Type of chemoreceptor that responds to changes in pH of CSF
  2. 2. Serous membrane that covers lungs
  3. 4. Final branches of the conducting system
  4. 8. Pressure that exists between the two pleural layers
  5. 9. Name for the segment of functionally independent lung tissue ventilated by segmental bronchi
  6. 10. Portion of the bronchial tree that participates in gas exchange
  7. 13. Type of lung cancer that originates in mucous glands of lamina propria
  8. 15. Device that recaptures expired air and records different variables
  9. 16. Law that the given volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature
  10. 18. Branching system of air tubes in each lung
  11. 19. Hemoglobin with no oxygen
  12. 20. Slit through which the lung receives main bronchus, blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves
  13. 21. The separate contribution of each gas in a mixture
  14. 22. The exchange of bicarbonate ion and chlorine ion during systemic gas exchange
  15. 23. Nerve that supplies the diaphragm
  16. 24. internal median ridge in lowermost tracheal cartilage that directs airflow in the right and left bronchi
  17. 25. Muscle found on posterior side of trachea that allows esophagus to expand when food is swallowed
  18. 27. Right and left halves of the nasal cavity
  19. 28. Condition in which the alveolar walls break down and the lungs are fibrotic and less elastic