The Respiratory System

  1. 4. Soft, cone-shaped organs
  2. 5. Lipoprotein film that prevents alveoli from closing
  3. 6. Opening into larynx
  4. 7. Mucosal folds supported by elastic ligaments
  5. 8. Chronic and incurable disorder in which the alveoli are distended
  6. 10. Paired tubes inferior to the trachea
  7. 11. Voice box
  1. 1. Viral or bacterial infection in which the alveoli fill with thick fluid
  2. 2. Called windpipe
  3. 3. Branched tubes that lead from bronchi to alveoli
  4. 9. Chamber posterior to oral cavity
  5. 12. Disease of the bronchi and bronchioles that is marked by breathlessness
  6. 13. Openings into the nasal cavities