The Respiratory System

  1. 2. organ that is involved in the respiratory system that pumps blood through the body
  2. 5. what is the system that works with the respiratory to get oxygen to your body
  3. 7. The place in which gases are exchanged between the respiratory system and the circulatory system
  4. 8. the vessel a part of the respiratory system that transports de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
  5. 10. what is the flap called that prevents food and drink from going into your lungs
  6. 11. a part of the respiratory system that is in charge of carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the left atrium
  7. 13. One of the most common cancers in the world, usually caused by cigarette smoke
  8. 14. a part of the lungs involved in the respiratory which are extensions of the windpipe that shuttle air to and from the lungs
  9. 15. something carried through the body by red blood cells
  1. 1. A chronic disease in which your airway walls become sore and swollen, narrowing so that your lungs get less air
  2. 3. A part of the respiratory system that allows for the movement of air from the nose and mouth to the larynx in the process of breathing
  3. 4. into which body part does the air go through first before entering the bronchi
  4. 6. the system which is in charge of gas exchange and supplying oxygen to rest of the body
  5. 9. This thin, dome-shaped muscle helps you breathe and separates the lungs from your stomach and intestines, which is involved in the respiratory system
  6. 12. part of the respiratory system which is located in between the trachea and pharynx, it is in charge of swallowing, breathing and talking