The Respiratory System

  1. 6. A respiratory infection caused by transport of livestock.
  2. 9. Inflammation of the lungs, can be bacterial or viral.
  3. 10. Tiny sacs of air.
  4. 12. Cartilage that opens the airway.
  5. 14. Branches of the trachea attaching to the lungs.
  6. 15. An allergy to dust seen mainly in horses.
  7. 17. The act of breathing out.
  8. 19. Sneezing, coughing, and wheezing are signs of this condition.
  9. 21. The system that supplies the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.
  10. 22. Nostrils
  11. 23. Lining of the lungs.
  1. 1. A severe and chronic cough.
  2. 2. Throat area
  3. 3. These are the most common in veterinary medicine.
  4. 4. A tear in the chest muscle allowing muscle to protrude through it.
  5. 5. This is regulated by the brain and is involuntary.
  6. 7. A condition that gets its name from the sound the animal makes.
  7. 8. This is effected by excitement, temperature, and exercise.
  8. 11. Medicines used to open the lungs and bronchioles.
  9. 13. The act of breathing in.
  10. 16. Flap that prevents food from entering the airway when swallowing.
  11. 18. A lack oxygen causing tissue to turn blue.
  12. 20. Windpipe
  13. 24. Condition where the lungs have difficulty taking in enough oxygen.