The Revolutionary War - Early Stages

  1. 2. 2nd Continental Congress named him commander
  2. 3. Lexington and __________
  3. 5. colonists that fought against the British
  4. 7. "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of _______
  5. 9. Act that forced colonies to house soldiers
  6. 11. the first person to sign the Declaration
  7. 13. author of the Declaration Independence
  8. 15. the date that appears on the Declaration July __
  9. 17. a forced contribution to government by citizens
  10. 20. law making part of British Government
  11. 22. Joseph _________ Martin
  12. 23. The Sons of _______ were a group that protested British laws
  13. 24. _______George III
  1. 1. to refuse to buy British goods
  2. 4. killing of 5 colonists was called the Boston____
  3. 6. famous ride to warn the colonists of the British
  4. 8. No Taxation Without _________
  5. 10. a British soldier
  6. 12. location of the tea party
  7. 14. was required on all official documents by law
  8. 16. Lexington is known as the "shot heard around the
  9. 18. the oldest signer of the Declaration
  10. 19. British marched to Concord to find _______
  11. 21. defended the British soldiers charged in the Boston Massacre