The Risners 2025

  1. 3. the app where laura & dallas matched
  2. 5. laura's favorite rom-com (that dallas watched and also enjoyed)
  3. 6. where laura & dallas met for the first time
  4. 8. laura's birthday month
  5. 9. how many siblings does laura have?
  6. 13. dallas introduced laura to this famous movie series
  7. 15. who said "I love you" first?
  8. 18. the first holiday that dallas invited laura to join his family for
  9. 20. where the couple made their relationship official & got engaged
  10. 21. how many siblings does dallas have?
  11. 22. laura's high school
  12. 23. a drink, the first topic of conversation when laura messaged dallas on bumble
  13. 25. this musical honoring service members, is the first musical laura took dallas to see together
  1. 1. laura's cat
  2. 2. this local festival was one of the couple's first dates
  3. 3. the city where the couple took their first trip together
  4. 4. how many weddings the couple attended before getting married
  5. 7. dallas's cat
  6. 10. dallas's favorite color
  7. 11. the first anime the couple watched together
  8. 12. dallas's birthday month
  9. 14. dallas's high school
  10. 16. what instrument did laura play in high school?
  11. 17. the place that is the couple's favorite trip together
  12. 18. how many state track medals does dallas have?
  13. 19. laura's favorite color
  14. 24. how many years have the couple been together?