The Rodrigo Tribune

  1. 2. Our favorite videogame
  2. 7. Your favorite Italian place
  3. 9. The type of person you are
  4. 10. First instrument I learned to play
  5. 12. Your favorite apple
  6. 13. Our future pet
  7. 14. My favorite pastime
  8. 15. My childhood nickname
  9. 16. Your favorite summer activity
  10. 17. Hobby we enjoy doing together
  11. 19. The month we start dating
  1. 1. My astrological sign
  2. 3. My favorite flower
  3. 4. Your drink of choice
  4. 5. Our one-year anniversary trip location
  5. 6. Your favorite season
  6. 8. Where we first met
  7. 11. My favorite anime
  8. 14. First date location
  9. 18. One of your favorite bands