The Role of Color in Design

  1. 2. scheme Combination of colors selected for a room design in order to create a mood or set a tone
  2. 4. colors The colors (orange, violet, green) which are made by mixing equal parts of two primary colors
  3. 7. A substance that absorbs some light rays and reflects others, affecting the color of an object
  4. 9. colors Blue, green, and purple; colors that capture the essence of the ocean
  5. 10. A color scheme that uses two colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel
  6. 12. The feature of color that makes one color different from others
  7. 13. The brightness or dullness of a color
  8. 16. A color scheme that combines one color with the two colors on each side of its compliment on the color wheel
  9. 18. A hue that is lighter than its normal value; created by adding white to a hue
  10. 19. A color that is duller than its normal value; created by adding grey to a hue
  11. 20. A color scheme that uses any three hues taht are in equal distance apart on the color wheel
  1. 1. colors The basic colors (yellow, red, blue) that cannot be created by mixing other colors
  2. 3. A color scheme that uses four colors that are in equal distance apart from one another on the color wheel
  3. 5. A color scheme that uses tints and shades of one color on the color wheel
  4. 6. colors Red, orange, and yellow; colors associated with the sun
  5. 8. The lightness or darkness of a color
  6. 11. A color scheme using colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
  7. 14. colors Colors such as yellow-orange and red-violet that are created by combining a primary color with a neighboring seconday color
  8. 15. The color opposite another color on the color wheel
  9. 16. A hue that is darker than its normal value; created by adding black to a hue
  10. 17. neutral A neutral color scheme that includes a small amount of bright color