The Roman Gods Family Tree

  1. 2. The divine hero of Troy, who is described as the most beautiful of mortals by Homer
  2. 6. The god of the seas
  3. 8. The king of the gods
  4. 9. The mythological progenitor of the Hellenes
  5. 10. The god of fire, also known as the blacksmith
  6. 16. The goddess of marriage and queen of the gods
  7. 18. The god of harvest
  8. 19. The wife of Odysseus, the queen of Ithaca
  9. 20. The daughter of king Agamemnon
  10. 24. The titan holding up the celestial sphere
  1. 1. The daughter of Demeter and the goddess of the underworld
  2. 3. Twin sister of Apollo
  3. 4. Mother nature
  4. 5. The king of Ithaca
  5. 6. The titan who was entrusted with molding mankind out of clay
  6. 7. The god of war
  7. 11. The Titan god of afterthought, the father of excuses
  8. 12. The goddess of love
  9. 13. The god of the underworld
  10. 14. Founder of Mycenae
  11. 15. First woman made out of clay, _______'s box
  12. 17. The goddess of wisdom
  13. 21. The god of love, counterpart of cupid
  14. 22. The titan of sight
  15. 23. The god of music, often portrayed with winged sandals