The Rookie

  1. 2. Nolan's first to
  2. 6. Thorson Tiktoker known for "killing" his best friend
  3. 7. Nolan the main character of the rookie
  4. 9. Evers Lopez's husband
  5. 10. female serial killer
  6. 11. Nyla's daughters name
  7. 12. Jacksons surname
  8. 15. Everyone's favorite inmate
  1. 1. Tim and Lucy's ship name
  2. 3. position after being a rookie
  3. 4. Rosalind's protégé
  4. 5. Tims rookies surname
  5. 8. who Rosalind traps in a water tank
  6. 9. grey the sergeants full name
  7. 13. Nolan uses his golden ticket to become a
  8. 14. Who dies end of season 3