The Rules of Law Enforcement

  1. 2. the forceful detention of a person or the person's perception that he/she is not free to leave
  2. 6. a search by police that is made after the subject of the search agrees to the action
  3. 8. a rule in which any evidence that is obtained illegally will not be admissible in criminal court
  4. 10. a statement acknowledging that certain facts concerning a crime are true, but falling short of a confession
  5. 13. the practice of targeting people for police action based solely on their race, ethnicity, or national origin
  6. 15. to deprive a person suspected of criminal activity of his/her liberty
  1. 1. a written order based on probable cause and issued by a judge commanding that the person named in the warrant be arrested
  2. 3. The process by which police examine a person or property to find evidence that will be used to prove guilt in a criminal trial
  3. 4. the direct questioning of a suspect to gather evidence
  4. 5. the forcible taking of a person or property in response to a violation of law
  5. 6. the use of physical force or mental intimidation to compel a person to do something
  6. 7. a written statement of facts, confirmed by an oath before a person having the authority to administer the oath
  7. 9. a written order based on probable cause and issued by a judge commanding the police to search a specific person, place, or property to obtain evidence
  8. 11. a brief detention of a person by law enforcement for questioning
  9. 12. a pat-down or minimal search by police to discover weapons
  10. 14. a statement acknowledging that the suspect participated in some aspect of a crime