The Salvation Race

  1. 2. who talks to your heart
  2. 5. who sends messages to driver
  3. 6. leads to destruction
  4. 8. where tires are changed
  5. 10. where they race
  6. 14. where the cars run
  7. 16. who wants to win
  8. 17. where cars get fixed
  9. 19. leads to Heaven
  10. 20. where you go when you win
  11. 23. who helps you learn
  1. 1. what you read
  2. 3. who brings Gods message
  3. 4. who own the car
  4. 7. what you are
  5. 9. who wants you to loose
  6. 11. where you talk to God
  7. 12. who narrates the race
  8. 13. who wants to be your Sponsor
  9. 15. who works in the pit
  10. 18. where you learn
  11. 21. what runs on the track
  12. 22. where you worship