The Science of the Body

  1. 3. A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth.
  2. 4. An organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull.
  3. 6. Any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venues.
  4. 9. Responsible for the flow of blood, nutrients and oxygen.
  5. 10. Slippery slime produced in the nose.
  6. 11. Colorless, odorless gas.
  7. 15. Blue blood vessels; carries blood in need of oxygen.
  8. 16. The two chambers of the heart involved in pumping blood.
  9. 17. The main part of the respiratory system needs this.
  10. 18. Pumps blood through the body.
  11. 19. A tube usually called the wind pipe.
  1. 1. Spiral shaped; Found in the breathing passage of the nose.
  2. 2. A dome shaped muscle located under your lungs.
  3. 5. An opening in your facial area that you breathe through when you are congested.
  4. 7. A tube structure carrying blood through tissues and organs.
  5. 8. Carries blood with oxygen away from the heart.
  6. 12. A system of a series of organs responsible for oxygen.
  7. 13. The organ you blow slime from when you go through a phase.
  8. 14. A bodily fluid in humans and animals that transports oxygen and nutrients to cells.