The Scientific Method

  1. 1. Variable that changes as the result of the independent variable
  2. 6. A conclusion based on evidence about events that have already occurred
  3. 8. Provides a clear description of exactly what is observed, nothing more
  4. 10. Wrapping it up all together
  5. 11. Use proper tools to find dimension
  6. 12. Putting thing into groups based on common characteristics
  7. 13. Amount of time given between two times
  1. 2. A fair test driven by hypothesis
  2. 3. Helps record your experiment
  3. 4. A forecast about what may happen in future situations
  4. 5. Variable is changed or altered
  5. 7. A prediction about the relationship between the variables
  6. 9. Variable that remains the same as the result of the independent variable