The Scientific Method

  1. 3. something you ask to get information or learn more about a topic.
  2. 4. the actions you take to do something, often in a specific order.
  3. 8. facts or numbers collected during research or experiments for analysis.
  4. 9. a series of steps followed to complete a task or experiment.
  5. 10. an idea or guess that can be tested to find out if it is correct.
  1. 1. the findings or outcomes from an experiment or study.
  2. 2. a decision or opinion formed after thinking about the results of an experiment.
  3. 5. a test that you carry out to discover if something is true or to see how things work.
  4. 6. watching something carefully to gather information and details.
  5. 7. the items or substances needed to carry out an experiment or project.