The Scientific Method

  1. 2. what scientists must have in order to think of new ideas, design experiments, solve problems, and think outside the box
  2. 3. a variable that you change on purpose
  3. 4. a conclusion drawn from observations and evidence
  4. 7. a story or idea that is not based on scientific evidence
  5. 8. a personal belief not always based on factual evidence
  6. 10. a systematic way of learning about the natural world
  7. 11. a statement about patterns in nature and what happens under certain conditions
  8. 12. a way to test a hypothesis
  1. 1. an educated prediction that is specific and testable
  2. 5. evidence based on information that scientists gather from observations and experiments
  3. 6. an explanation of how something works in nature based on evidence from many experiments
  4. 9. a variable that you measure