The Scientific Method

  1. 4. study of the universe
  2. 5. assume things or interpret what you observe
  3. 7. explains wide range of observations and hypotheses
  4. 10. scientist who studies Earth's environment and resources
  5. 13. study of Earth's oceans
  6. 15. process of investigating nature
  7. 16. what happens every time under certain conditions
  1. 1. way of learning about the natural world
  2. 2. variable that the scientist changes
  3. 3. group that does not receive the tested variable
  4. 6. variable that changes because of the manipulated variable
  5. 8. a possible answer to the question in if-then format
  6. 9. using one your senses to gather information
  7. 11. study of Earth's atmosphere and weather
  8. 12. variables that remain the same in an experiment
  9. 14. study of Earth's forces that shape the planet