The Scientific Method

  1. 1. how close the result or measurement is to the correct value
  2. 3. something you can see, smell, hear, touch and taste
  3. 7. type of variable that is measured during an experiment
  4. 10. repeating single measurements gives the same results
  5. 11. the tools, devices, substances you need to conduct the experiment
  6. 12. whether the results indicate what the experiment intended to measure
  7. 13. an experimental procedure
  8. 15. type of variable that is changed during an experiment
  9. 16. question that shows different variables and can be investigated by a scientific experiment
  1. 2. a statement that summarises the experiment
  2. 4. to study and find background information
  3. 5. an educated guess and prediction based on research
  4. 6. to communicate your findings such as using graphs
  5. 8. a scientific process undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact
  6. 9. the purpose of an experiment
  7. 14. variables which stay the same