The Scientific Method

  1. 2. something that stays the same throughout an experiment
  2. 7. name of the group that acts as a reference point
  3. 9. the variable that is changed
  4. 10. the fifth step where you see what the experimental data tells you
  5. 11. a type of data that involves categories or qualities
  6. 12. the second step where you ask what you want to know
  1. 1. the variable that is measured
  2. 2. a relationship between two things that may or may not be causative
  3. 3. the fourth step where you test your hypothesis
  4. 4. the last step where you summarize results
  5. 5. a type of data that involves numbers
  6. 6. the third step where you predict what will happen
  7. 8. the first step where information is gathered