The Scientific Process

  1. 3. the variable we altered in our design lab
  2. 4. the best way to organize quantitative data
  3. 6. collected in an experiment; may organize in tables
  4. 8. the acronym used in your notes to help graph
  5. 9. must be equal and consistent when graphing
  6. 10. type of graph used to show change over time
  7. 11. the group that has NOT had anything changed
  8. 12. the variable that is measured in experiments
  9. 13. a statement that answers the question
  10. 15. another name for independent variable
  11. 16. all the data collected to support a claim
  12. 17. a specific testable prediction
  13. 18. step by step guide
  14. 19. data that is described in words
  15. 20. analysis and explanation at the end of lab
  1. 1. numerical data
  2. 2. the type of plant/seed we grew in our lab
  3. 5. type of graph used to show comparison
  4. 7. variables that are kept the same for all groups
  5. 11. the specific unit of measure we used in lab
  6. 14. the variable that is changed in experiments
  7. 16. the group that has a variable changed