The Sea of Monsters

  1. 3. Tyson is offered this by Poseidon.
  2. 5. Who is C.C.?
  3. 6. This name makes Polyphemus angry.
  4. 7. Monsters that attack Percy in gym class.
  5. 9. Laistrygonians
  6. 11. What Tyson named the hippocampus.
  7. 12. Donut shop found by Tyson.
  8. 14. What Annabeth wants to hear.
  9. 16. what Percy needs to save the camp.
  10. 18. Location Sea of Monsters can be found.
  11. 20. Cyclops on the island
  1. 1. Stolen by Percy and Annabeth.
  2. 2. Name of the cruise ship?
  3. 4. What is Tyson?
  4. 8. Polempus has these as pets.
  5. 10. bear twins
  6. 13. Comes back from the dead.
  7. 15. This was in the golden casket.
  8. 17. Who poisoned Thalia's tree?
  9. 19. They gave these coordinates: 30,31,75,12