The Secret Life of Bees - Chapter 1 & 2

  1. 1. Lily's mom takes this from high shelf in the closet.
  2. 3. The story is told from this point of view
  3. 6. Bees swarm before......
  4. 9. The bees make their nest in the walls of this room
  5. 11. T.Ray does not want Lily doing this at the peach stand.
  6. 14. The name of T.Ray's dog
  7. 15. The fruit that T.ray grows and sells
  8. 16. The narrator's name
  1. 2. Vocabulary: Not concerned
  2. 4. The narrator's stand-in mother
  3. 5. What the narrator calls her father instead of dad
  4. 6. Lily's mother's name
  5. 7. The name of the town Lily discovers in her mother's things.
  6. 8. The color of Lily's mom's hair
  7. 10. Lily must kneel on these as a punishment
  8. 12. Vocabulary: A stupid person
  9. 13. Rosaleen stole these from a church