The Secret Life of Plants

  1. 2. Pollen grows a tube that travels down to the flower's ________.
  2. 5. A tasty ________ attracts hungry animals that can help the plant scatter its seeds.
  3. 6. A flower's ________ has a sticky tip called a stigma.
  4. 7. Before a seed sprouts, the tiny plant inside is called an ________.
  5. 8. A seed uses its stored food when it ________.
  6. 9. A seed forms when an egg is joined by ________.
  7. 11. Each ________ contains a tiny egg.
  8. 12. ________ hold a plant off the ground.
  9. 14. Without ________, a baby plant wouldn't have the food energy it needs to grow into the sunlight.
  1. 1. ________ soak up water from the soil.
  2. 3. When an insect brushes against the ________, it picks up some of the flower's pollen.
  3. 4. Water, minerals, and food travel through ________ in a plant's stems.
  4. 5. ________ are a plant's seed factories.
  5. 6. A flower's scent and colorful ________ attract insects.
  6. 10. A delicate plant embryo is protected by a ________.
  7. 13. A leaf makes food using energy from ________.
  8. 15. A piece of spinach is called a ________.