  1. 3. What is the main character doing?
  2. 6. new york specialist called in on mcmillans case in day dream two? Dr ....
  3. 8. How many times Walter Mitty daydreams in total?
  4. 10. What character Mitty imagines himself to be in Daydream 1?
  5. 12. What character Mitty imagines himself to be in Daydream 2?
  6. 14. Who is the author?
  7. 16. Setting?
  8. 18. Fatigued, worried, suffering
  9. 19. soldier who orders mitty not to fly alone in day dream four
  10. 21. What is the color of his eye?
  11. 22. Dr.Mittys book read by Dr Pritchard Milford
  12. 24. He wore his full-dress ...
  13. 25. who is the main character?
  1. 1. millionaire banker who is a patient of day dream two who needs immediate surgery? ... McMillan
  2. 2. Shell shocked flier in day dream 4( fighter pilot)?
  3. 4. boldly rude/disrespectful
  4. 5. Where did Mitty take his wife?
  5. 7. who is the secondary character(s)?
  6. 9. Physician attending mcmillan in day dream two along with Dr.Renshaw? Dr...
  7. 11. What item that Mitty supposed to purchase at the store?
  8. 13. What is the POV? ... person limited
  9. 15. murder victim in day dream three?.... fitzhurst
  10. 17. Deeply upset and agitated
  11. 20. Where did Mitty wait for his wife after making his purchase? Hotel ...
  12. 23. What kind of place did Walter fly in his first daydream?