The Senses

  1. 2. Receptor located in the retina that is responsible for night vision
  2. 6. The organ of hearing located in the cochlea and filled with endolymph
  3. 8. The middle layer of the eyeball
  4. 11. A curved tube extending from the auricle into the temporal bone, ending at the tympanic membrane
  5. 16. Cells of taste
  6. 17. Abbreviation for refractory eye surgery using a microkeratome to cut a corneal cap, which is replaced after an excrimer laser is used to vaporize and reshape underlying corneal tissue
  7. 18. Thick, clear fluid that fills the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
  8. 19. The refracting mechanism of the eye that is located directly behind the pupil
  9. 22. Any of the curved, fluid-filled tubes located in the inner ear
  10. 24. Eardrum
  11. 25. Snail shell or structure of similar shape, the auditory portion of the inner ear
  12. 26. The area in the retina where the optic nerve fibers exit and there are no rods or cones; also known as a blind spot
  13. 32. Specialized nerve cell stimulated by light; for example, rods and cones of the retina
  14. 34. Mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the sclera
  15. 35. Farsightedness
  1. 1. Decrease in receptor sensitivity
  2. 3. Any of the chemicals in retinal cells that are sensitive to light
  3. 4. Tube that connects the throat with the middle ear to equalize air pressure on both sides of the tympanum
  4. 5. The glands that produce tears, located in the upper lateral portion of the orbit
  5. 7. Gland that produces a waxy substance called cerumen
  6. 9. A membranous sac that follows the shape of the bony labyrinth and is filled with endolymph
  7. 10. The jelly-like fluid found in the eye, posterior to the lens
  8. 12. Innermost layer of the eyeball; contains rods and cones and continues posteriorly with the optic nerve
  9. 13. Ear wax
  10. 14. The fluid-filled complex maze of three spaces in the temporal bone
  11. 15. Disorder characterized by elevated pressure in the eye
  12. 20. Small depression in the macula lutea where cones are most densely packed
  13. 21. Opacity of the lens of the eye
  14. 23. Transparent, anterior portion of the sclera
  15. 27. A watery fluid that fills the bony labyrinth of the ear
  16. 28. Receptor cell located in the retina that is stimulated by bright light
  17. 29. Part of the ear attached to the side of the head
  18. 30. Farsightedness of old age
  19. 31. Nearsightedness
  20. 33. Little bone; for example, the auditory ones found in the ears