The Shlagggs

  1. 1. When is Lewis' Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY)
  2. 4. When is Evie's Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY)
  3. 8. When is Emily's Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY)
  4. 9. The bad couch
  5. 11. Em's Favourite colour
  6. 14. Kara's favourite color
  7. 16. Lewis' Reg Plate
  8. 20. How old is Lewis
  9. 24. What was kyra's dream job
  10. 25. How many times has Lewis been to the hospital with an injury
  11. 26. Where was Evie's last holiday
  12. 27. Kyra's dream car
  13. 28. Kyra and Evie's stage
  14. 30. How old was Josh when he got thrown into a radiator
  15. 31. Where was Kyra born
  16. 32. Josh's Greatest Achievement
  17. 33. Owen Wilson
  18. 35. Josh's old BMX group name
  19. 36. Evie's Shoe size
  20. 37. What is Jordan getting for Christmas
  1. 1. When is Kyra's Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY)
  2. 2. How many pictures are in Evie's my eyes only
  3. 3. Evie's dream car
  4. 5. Josh's Fastest lap @ Go Kart Liverpool
  5. 6. When is Josh's Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY)
  6. 7. Best Cards Against Humanity card
  7. 10. Where was Lewis born
  8. 12. Animal there is most of in my room
  9. 13. Show Em hates
  10. 15. Kara's favourite landmark
  11. 17. Josh's dream car
  12. 18. who can't swim
  13. 19. Kyra's favourite musical
  14. 21. What is Lewis' nickname
  15. 22. The best couch
  16. 23. Best Nickname
  17. 29. What was Evie's first pet
  18. 32. What season is the Eiffel tower tallest
  19. 34. How many sets of LED's does Em have in her room