The Skeletal System

  1. 4. required for bone hardness
  2. 5. joint which cannot move, fibrous tissue joins the bone
  3. 8. lining of the marrow cavity which contains osteoblasts and osteoclasts
  4. 10. synthesized by skin and required for absorption of calcium in the intesting
  5. 13. marrow located in epiphysis of long bones where hematopoiesis occurs
  6. 14. cells responsible for producing new connective tissue
  7. 15. slightly moveable joint, cartilage joins bone
  8. 17. "soft spots" where the skull hasn't fused together
  9. 21. cells responsible for resorption or breaking down of bone tissue
  10. 23. shaft of long bone
  11. 25. bone tissue is removed by osteoclasts and osteoblasts
  12. 26. landmark required to administer injection into deltoid muscle
  13. 27. landmark required to administer injection in vastus lateralis or ventrogluteal muscles
  14. 28. foot moves down at the ankle, toes point down
  1. 1. movement which occurs away from body midline
  2. 2. membrane covering the bone comprised of dense irregular connective tissue
  3. 3. tip of sternum made of cartilage, landmark for CPR
  4. 6. comprised of 26 bones in the adult
  5. 7. movement when the palm faces up
  6. 9. ends of long bone, irregular in shape, where growth plates are located
  7. 11. freely moveable joints, most common in human body, also known as synovial joints as they contain synovial fluid for lubrication
  8. 12. movement when the palm faces down
  9. 16. foot moves up at the ankle, toes point up
  10. 18. cells responsible for building bone tissue
  11. 19. movement which occurs toward body midline
  12. 20. opening in base of skull where spinal cord attaches to the brain
  13. 22. location on sternum overlying where trachea splits
  14. 24. cells responsible for producing new hyaline cartilage