The Skeletal System

  1. 2. This mineral is the most well-known mineral stored in bone and has many essential biological functions.
  2. 3. This is one of the hormones that regulate the activity of bone cells.
  3. 5. You would find this type of cell in the lacunae within bone.
  4. 7. This term refers to the bony spicules that make up the structure of spongy bone.
  5. 8. This type of bone is unique in that it contains spaces for air or sinuses that interface with the atmosphere.
  6. 10. Blood cell production occurs in the _____.
  7. 11. The ratio of calcium to this mineral in bone is important to consider when formulating a diet for animals.
  8. 13. The femur is an example of this type of bone.
  9. 14. You would find a _____ bone in the knee joint.
  10. 16. The sternum and ribs are part of the _____ skeleton.
  11. 17. These are laminated tubes present in a compact bone that house vasculature and nerves.
  12. 18. This type of ossification is characterized by the secretion of osteoid by osteoblasts followed by the formation of bone.
  13. 19. _____ bone is the denser type of bone tissue that makes up the majority of the skeleton.
  14. 20. The scapula is an example of this type of bone.
  1. 1. Bones are considered a ______ tissue.
  2. 2. ____ bone is characterized by a porous network composed of spicules that houses marrow.
  3. 4. These cells would increase in activity if a bone is fractured.
  4. 6. These cells erode developed bone in the endosteum.
  5. 8. This term refers to the fibrous membrane covering the surface of a bone.
  6. 9. This word describes the vertebrae found in the chest region.
  7. 12. This type of ossification is characterized by the deposition of bone on and within a hyaline cartilage model.
  8. 15. The humerus is an example of a bone found in the _____ skeleton.