The Skeletal System

  1. 3. connective tissue layer surrounding each muscle fiber
  2. 4. largest muscle of the buttocks; extends the thigh
  3. 7. a muscle does not contract enough to produce motion; stabilizes a body part
  4. 12. located along the front of the femur; flexes the thigh
  5. 14. diagonal muscle on each side of the neck, ranging from sternum and clavicle to the mastoid process of the temporal bone
  6. 15. major chest muscle; adducts the upper arm with some medial rotation
  7. 17. heel is lifted and the body is supported on the toes
  8. 18. the addition of simple twitches from repeated stimulation of a muscle
  9. 19. quick jerky contraction to a single stimulus
  10. 20. fiber long, threadlike cells that compose skeletal tissue
  11. 24. circular muscle around the anterior margin of the orbit; closes the eye
  12. 27. moving a limb away form the midline of the body
  13. 33. palm is turned to an anterior position
  14. 34. palm is turned posteriorly
  15. 35. major muscle of the posterior upper arm; extends the forearm
  16. 37. organelles that establish the contractile ability of muscle cells
  17. 40. thicker central protein
  18. 41. moving a limb toward the midline of the body
  19. 42. circular muscle around the anterior margin of the mouth; contracts to pucker the lips
  20. 46. contract to support the action of the prime mover
  1. 1. numerous chemical reactions in muscle cells liberate heat
  2. 2. bending, decreasing the angle at a joint
  3. 5. motor units in a muscle that are usually active when a muscle is not contracting enough to produce movement
  4. 6. along the front of the tibia; produces dorsiflexion
  5. 8. large, diamond shaped muscle of the upper back; it extends the head and works to shrug shoulders
  6. 9. inserting on the posterior region on the mandible; contributes to chewing
  7. 10. located on each side of the rectus abdomens; each one bends the trunk to that side of the body
  8. 11. each myofibril is a linear succession of boxlike units
  9. 13. the lateral and medial hamstring muscles respectively; they flex the calf
  10. 16. toes are lifted as the body is supported on the heel
  11. 17. continuation of this outer fascia, dividing the interior of the muscle into a bundle of cells
  12. 21. major muscle of the anterior upper arm; flexes the forearm
  13. 22. in the cheek; contracts to compress the cheeks
  14. 23. the bulging posterior calf muscle; produces plantar flexion
  15. 25. skeletal muscles attach to the bones; muscle contracts it pulls on a bone to produce movement
  16. 26. bulging muscle that covers each shoulder; abducts the upper arm
  17. 28. wide muscle of the lower back; it extends and adducts the upper arm
  18. 29. midline, segmented muscle of the abdominal wall; flexes the trunk
  19. 30. skeletal muscles pull on the vertebral column and other parts of the skeleton, helping to maintain an upright stance
  20. 31. pivoting a structure
  21. 32. fan-shaped muscle covering the temporal bone
  22. 36. connective tissue layer that envelopes the entire skeletal muscle
  23. 38. straightening out, increasing the angle at a joint
  24. 39. the muscle cannot respond when stimulated, as it is exhausted of nutrients and accumulates waste products; lacks glucose
  25. 43. thinner protein at each end of the sarcomere
  26. 44. long ribbonlike muscle ranging over the front of the thigh
  27. 45. toes are pointed medially
  28. 47. toes are pointed laterally
  29. 48. the powerful, sustained contraction of a muscle form the summation of simple twitches