The Sky's Awake, so I'm Awake

  1. 1. based on the stephen king novel of the same name, this movie features a famous novelist who crashes and is kept captive by his "rescuer"
  2. 6. iceland uses these natural phenomenons to provide over 50% of the country's energy
  3. 8. Greek god of Winter / North Wind; also a CA-based company for adventure gear
  4. 10. large, ferocious weasel; also a member of the X-Men
  5. 12. on Christmas Eve you have to hide all your brooms in this country, else witches will steal them
  6. 14. pink flower that blooms in winter
  7. 15. percent of earth's water stored in ice caps
  8. 17. you can rent a room in this place built in quebec each year using 400 tons of ice and 12000 tons of snow
  9. 18. this penninsula in Mexico's name means "I don't understand you" bc that's what natives said when asked what it was called
  10. 20. official term for fear of the snow
  11. 21. British term for snowpeas, meaning "eat all" in French
  12. 23. an elfish creature from English folklore who personifies cold winter weather
  13. 25. childhood friend of Steve Rogers who later became the Winter Soldier
  14. 26. coldest planet in our solar system
  15. 29. smallest species of penguin (about 16in)
  16. 31. Irish Quartet who made their US debut with "Final Straw" in 2003
  17. 33. taking 14 golds in 2010, this country holds the record for most medals in a Winter Olympics
  18. 36. this Canadian-American slapstick actor never won an Oscar, but has two Golden Globes
  19. 37. Frosty's first words when he came to life
  20. 38. largest member of the deer family
  21. 40. this US city (home to Oprah, the Sears Tower, and the origins of the meatpacking industry) had it's coldest winter in over 150 years last year
  22. 43. these fall from the sky at an average of 3.1mph
  23. 44. this was not considered to be an alcoholic beverage in Russia until 2013
  24. 48. in 2010, Obama popularized this phrase after two blizzards struck during the Democratic National Committee. 68.1% of the US was blanketed in snow
  25. 49. this snowman, named for a type of cattle, was 113 ft tall - the largest ever built
  26. 50. this country hosted the first winter olympics in 1924
  27. 52. in Venezuela, most people use this fun mode of transportation to get to church service
  28. 55. every snowflake has this number of sides
  29. 56. occurring in March, this is the last day of winter
  1. 1. the largest recorded snowflake was 15ft wide. what state did it fall in?
  2. 2. most Icelanders believe these woodland creatures to be real, magical, and who are fiercely protective of their rock homes
  3. 3. all female pop-rock band who sang "Hazy Shade of Winter"
  4. 4. this country is bigger than Pluto
  5. 5. director of Frozen, and 1st woman to direct a Disney animated feature
  6. 7. giver of figs, sweets, and other small gifts in Italy; she loves wine
  7. 9. this Christmas film stars actors who later went on to play House, Rick, King George
  8. 10. the research team for Frozen (men included) went to this state (their flag has a buffalo) to study what it was like to walk through snow in a dress.
  9. 11. this over sung song from Frozen was written in a day
  10. 13. in Frosty the Snowman, they bring Karen here to warm her up
  11. 16. none of the characters have names in this new-ish animated Christmas musical
  12. 19. the huntsman returns with this which he gives to the Queen to "prove" he killed Snow White
  13. 22. polarbear fur is this, making it water repellent
  14. 24. this sports that is "mostly like soccer, but you can use your hands" is the national sport of iceland
  15. 27. New Zealand insect that freezes completely solid for winter, but when later unfreezes, thaws, and resumes its activities
  16. 28. Snow White's Prince's name (also a Portuguese explorer)
  17. 29. this duet, song by Hans and Anna, is the first time a Disney protagonist sang with a villain
  18. 30. profession of Hoteiosho, the Japanese version of "Santa" who also has a red-nosed reindeer
  19. 32. Allen Sarven, WWE and Extreme Wrestling Champion, is better known by this ring name
  20. 34. because daddy penguins are often in charge of keeping eggs warm, female penguins look for this physical trait in their men, quite the opposite of humans
  21. 35. Frozen is loosely based on this tale
  22. 39. common misconception is that this country was named this way to keep away settlers, but in reality it was bc a viking climbed a mtn and saw sea-ice floating by
  23. 41. A small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, Arctic waters.
  24. 42. the volcano in Antarctica spews this
  25. 45. what do snowmen eat for dinner?
  26. 46. word used to describe someone who is not from here, and also the name of a band who compares his lover to this winter substance
  27. 47. this movie features penguins who find their soulmates through song
  28. 49. coldest country on earth
  29. 51. what do you get if you cross a snowman and a vampire?
  30. 53. now played as a Christmas song, this song was actually written during a summer heat-wave
  31. 54. makes up 77% of Russia