The Solar System

  1. 4. More than ten times larger than Earth
  2. 9. The color of Uranus
  3. 12. Also known as minor planets
  4. 13. Nobody knows the age of this planet's defining feature
  5. 16. Partner of meteor, baby, or head
  6. 17. Brighter than Venus and dimmer than the Sun from Earth
  7. 18. A space rock that hits Earth's surface
  8. 19. Mars is the last of this type of planet
  9. 21. Jupiter's largest moon
  10. 23. A little larger than Earth's moon
  11. 25. Nighttime temperatures on Mercury
  1. 1. A type of planet that hasn't cleared its orbit of similar objects
  2. 2. ____ and Deimos
  3. 3. Neptune's winds
  4. 5. No longer a member of a very exclusive club
  5. 6. This belt contains dwarf planets
  6. 7. *cue sniggers*
  7. 8. The main asteroid belt is between ___ and Jupiter
  8. 10. Halley's ___
  9. 11. Coldest body in the solar system
  10. 14. Notable feature of a comet
  11. 15. Known as Poseidon by the Greeks
  12. 20. Named for the goddess of love
  13. 22. Home sweet home
  14. 24. These of Saturn are made of ice and rock