The Solar System

  1. 2. The path a planet takes around the Sun.
  2. 3. Red Spot A massive storm on Jupiter.
  3. 6. This planet rotates on its side.
  4. 7. The spinning of a planet on its axis.
  5. 8. Mons The largest volcano in the Solar System.
  6. 11. Tilt The angle at which a planet's axis is tilted.
  7. 12. Giants A category of large planets composed mainly of gases.
  8. 14. Saturn's largest moon with hydrocarbon lakes.
  9. 16. A measure of thermal energy.
  10. 17. System The collection of planets, moons, and the Sun.
  11. 18. The farthest planet from the Sun.
  12. 20. A gas responsible for the blue color of Neptune.
  13. 21. Our home planet with diverse ecosystems.
  14. 22. Which planet is closest to the Sun?
  15. 23. Known for its stunning ring system.
  1. 1. The orbital motion of a planet around the Sun.
  2. 4. Used to describe the shape of planetary orbits.
  3. 5. Cooler areas on the Sun's surface.
  4. 7. Planets A category of planets with solid surfaces.
  5. 9. The largest planet with a Great Red Spot.
  6. 10. Moons Four largest moons of Jupiter.
  7. 13. A thin layer of gases surrounding a planet.
  8. 15. The central star of the Solar System.
  9. 19. This planet's thick clouds create a greenhouse effect.
  10. 22. Often called the "Red Planet".