The Solar System

  1. 2. our Star
  2. 3. An invisible force present all over the universe
  3. 4. Space is a ______ thats why theres no sound
  4. 6. Its a tilted planet
  5. 9. Everything ______ the sun
  6. 10. Your on it
  7. 11. Separates the rocky planets from gas
  8. 12. When you look outisde at the sky at night there everywhere
  9. 13. Flies around randomly and has a tail
  10. 17. There green and are featured in movies and pop culture
  11. 19. Amazing Rings
  12. 20. Shields planets from the suns deadly rays
  13. 22. Its the red one
  14. 24. Its dark cold and quiet
  15. 25. Theres an element named after this planet
  1. 1. The class your currently in
  2. 5. Charting the stars and connecting them reveals these
  3. 7. What the planets spin on
  4. 8. Discovered the Heliocentric model
  5. 14. Tool used to observe the universe
  6. 15. Furthest planet from the sun
  7. 16. most planets have at least one
  8. 18. Biggest planet
  9. 21. Only the gas giants have these and there made from rocks and ice
  10. 23. Hottest planet