The Solar System

  1. 2. objects made of ice, dust, and rock that have long orbits around the sun
  2. 3. the planet in our solar system that rotates at about 90 degrees from vertical
  3. 4. the planet closest in size to earth in our solar system
  4. 5. a ball of hot gas, mostly hydrogen and helium
  5. 6. consists of the sun, the planets, their moons, and a variety of smaller objects
  6. 9. a round object in space that orbits a sun, but does not have a clear orbit
  7. 10. the furthest planet in our solar system
  8. 12. the unit used to measure distances in the solar system
  9. 15. the smallest planet in our solar system
  10. 16. the planet who's orbit takes about twice the amount of time as earth's
  11. 17. very small chunks of rock and dust that form when asteroids or comets break apart
  12. 18. an object that orbits a planet
  1. 1. the first four planets in the solar system, also called the inner planets
  2. 7. a round object in space that orbits a sun and has a clear orbit
  3. 8. the planet with the most visible rings in our solar system
  4. 11. the last four planets in the solar system, also called the outer planets
  5. 12. a region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter that contains many small, rocky objects
  6. 13. small, irregularly shaped, rocky objects that orbit the sun
  7. 14. the largest planet in our solar system